The Loy School was birthed when a local farmer by the name of Robert Loy donated a parcel of his farmland on October 17, 1891 for the purpose of building a school. The limestone schoolhouse was named...
The Loy School was birthed when a local farmer by the name of Robert Loy donated a parcel of his farmland on October 17, 1891 for the purpose of building a school. The limestone schoolhouse was named...
The Holcomb depot that sits out in a field in Bucklin, Kansas is only a shell of what it used to be. Once bustling with activity it now gathers dust and dirt from the plains. The start of this depot...
Dating back over 140 years the infamous Stull Church got its start. Erected in 1867 under the efforts and direction of Rev. D.R. Zellner and Rev. C. Berner. After raising the needed funds, the...
During the school election of April 1911, a new school building was discussed and decided this is a need that needed to be addressed soon. The nearby towns of Sylvia, Turon and Pretty Prairie had all...
This historic jail in Frankfort Kansas was not the first calaboose in the city, in fact this jail was built to replace another. On December 22, 1898, A.W. Snodgrass was contracted by the City of...
The Lecompton jail as of 2022 is 130 years old, most buildings are destroyed in some fashion before even turning a hundred. The care that went into its construction allowed it to last through many...
Bushong State Bank holds the same construction of many other banks built across the midwest during 1905-1906. Despite other readily available sources stating that the Bushong State Bank was organized...
According to government insurance maps and newspapers, the McLouth Jail was constructed sometime between 1913 and 1921. It is a barrel roof concrete structure with a cell on each end with a barred...
On May 10th, 1907 a contract was let between the owners of the nearby Powers and Tobias Building, W.B. Power and Joseph F. Tobias and the City of Wilson. The contract outlined the construction of a...
On November 27, 1913, The Buhler Herald reported that at a city council meeting on November 21st a decision had been made to start work on a city jail for Buhler. The jail that was then completed in...
The Luray jail cell was manufactured by E.T. Barnum Iron Works a reputable jail company in the frontier days. It is a single cell made of strap iron with two pull-down beds. The cell while unsure...
This jail, one of the best-preserved in the state, dates back to 1871. Allegedly this building was the Russell County Jail from 1871-1876. One of the most well-designed jails of its time, it is a...
The Wilsey Jail is located within the city park and built by the Pauly Jail Building Company. It was installed in February of 1914, The Wilsey Warbler reporting; “The room in which the cell is...
In 1910 Lebanon Mayor Ellsworth Adams with a committee consisting of John C. Bunker, Clarence Eugene Ingram, and E.C. Elroy. Together, they voted for the City of Lebanon to make a purchase of two...
The start of the Wetmore jail dates back to 1882 when the City of Wetmore purchased Block 22, Lot 20 from Elvin Campfield for the purpose of building a calaboose on the land. Work on the jail lasted...
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